Girl using HiMirror

Smart mirrors are a reality in retail, so why not hotels? Virtual assistants are now commonplace in the modern world and innovative technology has been integrated worldwide across all industries. From informing the viewer of the weather to concierge event recommendations, smart mirrors are the future. In retail, smart mirrors have a range of abilities, including a touchscreen, built-in cameras, and on-screen channel displays such as Instagram, TV or the weather. A smart mirror favourite is the ability to adjust the light levels to demonstrate what the clothing the user is wearing will look like in different settings; such as a nightclub, sunset, daylight and so on.

Earlier in the year, Google published a patent application for a smart mirror that has optical sensors to monitor the user’s cardiovascular health by tracking changes in appearance linked to heart disease. Compare this to the HiMirror which analyses complexion and gives makeup recommendations or MemoMi’s MemoryMirror which uses augmented reality to display clothing in the reflection to virtually try clothes on.

Smart mirrors boast a sleek and minimalist design with powerful hardware while also being low maintenance. If not for just your luxury suites, perhaps try a single smart mirror for events as a modern-day photo both that is connected to social channels paired with its built-in high-resolution camera.