Facial-recognition technology has been launched for hotel check-ins in around 50 hotels in China. With hotel information systems manufacturer Shiji’s new system, guests’ credit and bookings can be authorised by having their ID and faces scanned at counters in the hotel. Due to rapid advancements in operations and technology, China has integrated business processes with aims to better customer experience through the use of mobile technology.

“Our aim with this project has been to find ways for hotels to increase guest satisfaction by reducing wait times as much as possible. Working with Fliggy [hotel booking website] and our partner hotels have made this a success and we’re monitoring privacy and efficiency closely to develop ways to increase this across more hotels,” said Kevin King, Shiji Group COO.

Use of facial recognition technology is set to transform the hotel booking process and upgrade it to a faster, digitalised experience. The system claims reservations can be verified and processed in 30 seconds without the help of human concierges.