Registration Japan’s Food Export Fair 2023 Now Open!

Japan food export fair

Registration for Japan’s Food Export Fair is now open. Japan’s Food Export Fair is an exclusive trade show and opportunity for networking and purchasing for importers, wholesalers, and international buyers to import and purchase Japanese food and beverage products. 

With the wide variety of Japanese food and beverage gathered under one roof, the Japanese government strongly supports the event.

Visitors and VIP guests can now register for the event. VIPs include managers or above, for example, those with job titles Chairman, CEO, President, Vice President, Head of Division, General Manager, Director, Manager, Managing Director, or the equivalent. 

Visitors requesting registration must be over the age of 18. The event’s management team will not provide any visa support for visitors. Those entering the event without a ticket will be charged JPY 5000 per person. 

Featured in the show are sections specialised in Japan’s food, exhibitors eager to export, and new-to-the-market products. 

To register for the event, please click here