Women In Business | Sarah Meikle

Women In Business | Sarah Meikle

Growing up, Sarah Meikle was constantly immersed in the food and hospitality sectors, being a daughter to a restaurant owner and granddaughter to a hotelier.

Having studied tourism and management at Massey University, Palmerston North and international economics at Lincoln University, Meikle travelled worldwide, helping destinations tell their stories through food and drinks.

Meikle had always dreamed of working for the New Zealand Tourism Board, now Tourism New Zealand.

From the mail room to a junior role in the international media team, she made her way up the ladder and even led a trip to Latin America, having learned Spanish at night classes.

Her ten-year journey at TNZ also included opening the office in Mumbai and working in London.

On her return to New Zealand, Meikle began heading the marketing department for Wellington Tourism, and it was then that she co-founded Visa Wellington On a Plate.

“It grew quickly and needed a full-time team, so I built a trust to run it. We also bought Beervana, enabling me to hire a small team,” said Meikle.

“Together, we now coordinate and market these fabulous events. If I wasn’t busy enough, I also did consulting work under Food + Drink New Zealand and sat on several boards.”

Meikle finds herself fortunate to have worked in countries such as India, Argentina, South Africa and Saudi Arabia in the early days of her career. Her most recent highlight has been the transition of Visa Wellington On a Plate from an event to being the genesis for creating the Wellington Culinary Events Trust.

“I used to be far more motivated by personal goals, but the longer I have worked in the tourism and events sector, I am now a lot more focused on the big picture – all boats float on a rising tide – I want to see success for everyone because everyone needs to win for there to be positive outcomes from events and tourism for our cities and regions.”

People who take risks are Meikle’s biggest inspiration, and she encourages people to be courageous and give it another chance if it doesn’t work the first time.

“We all know it’s hard sometimes to think outside the square and do things differently, but the magic happens often when you do. Life isn’t a dress rehearsal.”

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