Person connecting to WiFi on their phone.

Being equipped with high-speed, reliably functioning, easy-to-use internet is a necessity for modern accommodation providers. A 2016 survey showed that 65 percent of hotel guests connect to hotel Wi-Fi with seven minutes of arriving, one-third of which request the Wi-Fi password upon checking-in. Hospitality Internet’s service makes it easy, painless and financially viable to offer quality wireless internet to your guests.

There is a common misconception that hotels can operate Wi-Fi the same way a home or office would. Hotels are a public environment where you don’t want to expose random devices to your office network and to each other. Using a standard Wi-Fi security key does not provide sufficient protection. Hospitality Internet creates secured Wi-Fi networks for places such as admins or offices, that will work throughout an entire property. They offer hoteliers two ways to operate; a ‘managed system’ or a ‘free to host system’.

The managed system allows an operator to customise and grant access in any way they like and can provide internet free, charged, unlimited, data-capped – whatever the hotelier chooses. The free to host system is a pay to use system, which is suitable for properties such as apartments where internet packages are being sold to residential tenants. This free to host system is called free because it costs nothing to operate and get installed, but it’s better than free because a rebate is usually paid back to the building. Guests will have no issues using the system as it is straightforward and easy to use. The process is as simple as connecting to any other Wi-Fi network. Simply enter the assigned passcode and you’re good to go. Multiple devices can be used on the same passcode, with a limit set at the hotel operator’s discretion.

Hospitality Internet has been providing the service for thirteen years, so they know how to solve any faults or problems that may arise. To help clients they provide a free customer support helpline for any issues. There are no worries about maintaining the Wi-Fi and ensuring it stays up because all hardware is monitored and updated remotely. Faults are detected before guests are aware they exist, and repairs are arranged.

Traditionally when a system is bought, owners would be tied to the technology at the time of sale, and when the warranty runs out nobody is looking after it or repairing it. With Hospitality Internet, operators won’t have to worry about a cost upfront as all its systems are either leased out or free of charge, meaning there is no big capex to worry about.

Over two-thirds of travellers confirm the presence of wireless internet in a hotel before they book a room. Make sure your internet is top of the line and always working with Hospitality Internet. To find out more call 0800 483 786 or visit www.hospitalityinternet.co.nz.