Lax Hotel Internet Security a Risk

hotel wifi

The rise of individuals, either in isolation or choosing to use a hotel room as an office, could be placing their personal and corporate data security at risk.

Cyber-attackers may exploit the inconsistent security protocols at hotel networks to gain access to sensitive information. Unlike with home wifi networks, users of hotel networks often have little influence over security, allowing cybercriminals to monitor their browsing activity or redirect them to false login pages.

Another way in for criminals is a twin attack where a malicious network is set up with a similar name to the genuine one, tricking hotel guests into mistakenly granting criminals access to their devices.

Unfortunately, many hotels place convenience above security. Often there is a single password for all guests, which is sometimes posted openly for all to see at the front desk.

As more employees are choosing to work remotely as a result of COVID-19, some are opting to work from a hotel room with hotels offering daytime rates to meet this need. Like working from home, the security of the wifi is essential. Lax security protocols in hotels can place guests personal and corporate data at risk.

Hotel operators must ensure that their security protocols for their networks are robust.

Is it time you reviewed your Wi-Fi protocols?